What does this site have to offer?


Simple or in-depth, beginners and experts alike all benefit from clear, concise tutorials. I understand how helpful a high-quality tutorial can be, so I share my knowledge on this site to help out the rest of the internet.

Browse Tutorials


My website provides resources for projects featured in my videos, such as Arduino code for my Ultrasonic Security System.

Browse Resources


Along with tutorials, I post casual blogs. If you're looking for a simple read, consider learning the behind-the-scenes of esTech or some of my favorite apps in my blog.

Browse Blog


If I build a project worth showcasing, I'll post it here. Whether it's a Z80 breadboard computer that counts in binary or a homemade remote-control car, if it's interesting, I'll publish it.

Browse Design

Hot off the press

Circuit on breadboard

Tutorial: Make a Simple NOT Gate

Learn how to build a simple NOT gate circuit using a transistor.

About Me

Learn a little bit about the guy behind esTech.